Tuesday 12 April 2016

[12/4] Science Thinking Routines [See-Think-Wonder] & NSB Homework

'See-Think-Wonder' Thinking Routines Scaffolds
Here's a summary on what we have learnt today.

"I see" - Your observations using your eyes to see and hands to touch.
"I think" - Explaining your observations with details that you can add on to.
"I wonder" - Questions (using 5W1H) that you want to find out from where your observations leads.

Your task in NSB
You are to complete this as homework in your Nature Study Book.
Use as many of the above scaffolds to help you complete your "See-Think-Wonder" table for the object that you have chosen.
Think of why other materials cannot be used to make your object.

Here's an example on how to do it.

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